
I had a tough time engaging today. I got some administrivia done, but not a lot of meaty work.

I did have a nice chat with my neighbor who will be working with me on a project, but I want to start knocking some projects off the plate here.

Maybe tomorrow. More then.

Server maintenance

I upgraded my ESXi server today. What an ordeal. Next time, it will be much more efficient, but this time was a learning experience. I intended to install 16GB of memory, but I only got 8. Because of the machine’s internal architecture, I’ll need either 8 more, or to return the extra that I can’t install yet. Definitely a case of RTFM. At least I read it before I started inserting devices… The server was down already, but…

Wow, it took a few hours.

On the road

Sun, a photo by Tygh on Flickr.

Going off to see the birds tomorrow. I want to get off to a good start, so I should probably be off to bed ASAP. Hoping for sun, but I’ll take dry. Flooding is a pretty big problem where we are going, so I’m bringing the boots and raincoat…

Actually, it probably isn’t the rain, it’s the sun causing the water problems. Lots of snow melt flowing into the rivers. I should have access to the internet at night. I’m hoping to be able to get a small amount of key work done on a few critical projects, but I have already told most of my clients that I’ll be inaccessible.

I’ll post when I can.

eleven twenty four

I should probably thank the hackers that trashed the last incarnation of It wasn’t planned, but it had to happen. To tell you the truth, this place was hooked up to the machines and that’s about it.

No promises on the frequency of updates, but since the old site is completely history, I may want to bring back some of my past favorites for your entertainment.

If you like anything you see here, feel free to register and provide feedback.