Category: Sound
In a Blackout
This time tomorrow
This is my song that I think about when I am about to travel. I wish I was better at mastering/mixing, but at least you can tell what I was trying to do here.
Won’t let go
Here’s something cool written by David Bazan. I wanted to practice playing and singing at the same time. My usual M.O. is to record at least one instrument track before singing a word. In my opinion, playing and singing renders both activities a bit worse off, but this tune doesn’t want to be overproduced.
CAPTCHA / Chapter One from Gabrielle de Vietri on Vimeo.
Perception of fluency remains despite the undefined nouns.
Audio Direction Finding
Based on the same sort of triangulation that is used to pinpoint the source of gunfire in some cities, I think I could, using three microphones, build a 3-D model of the soundscape.
Each microphone records continuously. Downstream, the computer matches peaks and troughs and tries to determine the position of the sound source relative to the three mics.
I feel confident that I could place the loudest sound, but other ones might be trickier 😉
This song haunted me in earlier days. The lyrics seems so incomplete despite there being a lot of words here. They are oblique and mysterious. I'll never know to my satisfaction what she and Billy Joe were throwing off the Tallahatchie bridge. I'll never know why she never said a word at the dinner table when the subject came up. I can only speculate, and I think that's really the brilliance of the song. You get this feeling that the clues are all there, and so you listen... but the clues are not there, they are only in your own head.
Old Music
These came from an earlier time… I was a little more productive then – I want to get some of that energy back.
Say Hi
I made this over the past couple of weeks. I liked the harmonies in the original by Say Hi. I wanted to see if I could do something similar.
I also liked the subject matter.